Most items are eligible for exchange within 7 days from the purchase date. However, there are exceptions:
Exchange shipping is free for any order. Please use the exchange label we provide.
Visit the KashWork website and Log in to your account using your phone number and password.
Once logged in, navigate to the "My Orders" section. This section typically lists all your recent orders.
Find the order containing the product you want to exchange and select it.
Within the order details, look for an option to initiate an exchange. This option is usually located next to the product you want to exchange.Click on the exchange option to start the process.
You will be asked to select a reason for the exchange. Choose the most suitable reason from the options provided. After selecting the reason, choose the pickup address and click "Final Submit Request." After this step, wait for the seller to respond.
The seller has 3 business days to respond to you. Their response will depend on the reason for your exchange.
The scheduled pickup date for your order will be provided after the seller approves your request.
Pack the product securely in its original packaging, including any accessories, manuals, or other items that came with it, to prepare it for return.
On the scheduled pickup date, hand the packed product to the courier person who comes to your doorstep for pickup. Remember to provide any necessary documents or labels.
If the product meets the exchange criteria, KashWork will process the replacement or exchange. You will receive the replacement product within the specified timeframe, depending on your location and product availability.
Upon receiving the replacement product, check that it meets your expectations and is in satisfactory condition.