Have a question? We're here to help!
For questions about specific items, message us from the Contact Us page. For other inquiries
about our policies or other topics, browse our Support Center where we answer our customers'
most common questions. Happy shopping!
You can use the search button at the top of KashWork.com to find items.
Describe what you're looking for in the search bar to start your search. For example, type
"party dress" or "white denim shorts." Use multiple descriptive terms to narrow down the
results. For example, "little black dress" will generally produce more specific results than
just "dress."
Search results are ordered by relevance. You can use the "Sort by" option to reorder your search
results based on your preference.
When you shop on KashWork, feel free to message us anytime if you have questions about an item.
Almost all items you buy on KashWork are eligible for exchange within 7 days if you are not satisfied, with a few exceptions:
Once you click checkout and complete your payment, congratulations! You've made a purchase on KashWork. We will send you an SMS confirming the items in your order. You can also view your order information by going to 'Your Orders' on your profile page on KashWork.com.
If you received an SMS or email confirmation for an order you did not place, first check with your family and friends to see if they may have accidentally used your account details to place an order. It may also be possible that:
Keep track of the Seller Stores you love by following them on KashWork. To follow a Seller Store, go to their individual store page and click the 'Follow' button. You can find a Seller Store that sells items you love by clicking on their name from the product details page or your order details page.